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Mostadam Rating System for communities

Mostadam Rating System for communities in Saudi Arabia KSA. We do provide end to end consultation for Mostadam Certification and LEED / BREEAM Certification. Mostadam Rating System for Buildings. Mostadam Green Building Certification. Mostadam Community Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certificate. Mostadam Certification approval. Mostadam Certificate consulting. Mostadam Consultants for Green Building. Mostadam Green Building Standard.

Mostadam has been developed by Sustainable Building as a comprehensive sustainability rating and certification system to address the long-term sustainability of communities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Mostadam addresses a wide range of sustainability issues important to KSA and supports the aspirations of Vision 2030. Mostadam Rating
System for communities in Saudi Arabia KSA. Mostadam Rating System for
Buildings. Mostadam Green Building Certification. Mostadam Community
Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certification. Mustadam Green Building
Certificate. Mostadam Certification approval. Mostadam Certificate consulting. Mostadam
Consultants for Green Building. Mostadam Green Building Standard.

Mostadam for Communities is applicable to the following community types:
1. Residential communities: residential uses comprise more than 50% of the total GFA.
2. Mixed-use communities: non-residential uses, e.g. office, retail, leisure etc., comprise more than 50% of the total GFA. A minimum of 25% of the GFA is residential.

Mostadam for Communities comprises two elements:

Design + Construction (D+C)
D+C is applicable to the design and construction of new communities.

Operation + Existing (O+E)
O+E is applicable to new communities that have achieved D+C certification and existing/older communities.

Mostadam Rating
System for communities in Saudi Arabia KSA. Mostadam Rating System for
Buildings. Mostadam Green Building Certification. Mostadam Community
Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certification. Mustadam Green Building
Certificate. Mostadam Certification approval. Mostadam Certificate consulting. Mostadam
Consultants for Green Building. Mostadam Green Building Standard.

Grained material used as reinforcement in composite mixes such as concrete. Examples of aggregate: sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag and recycled concrete.
As-built drawing
Drawing which represents the final constructed building, usually prepared by the contractor.
Bathymetry survey
A surveying method used to analyze the beds of water sources such as lakes, rivers and ocean. It is typically used to identify biological features and natural habitats of a water body.
Wastewater that includes water from toilets.

Mostadam Rating System for communities in Saudi Arabia KSA. Mostadam Rating System for Buildings. Mostadam Green Building Certification. Mostadam Community Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certificate. Mostadam Certification approval. Mostadam Certificate consulting. Mostadam Consultants for Green Building. Mostadam Green Building Standard.

Building envelope
The barrier/shell that separates a building’s conditioned space from unconditioned space, usually comprising of the exterior façade, roof and ground floor.
Central Management System (CMS)
An automated central system used to control the operation of electrical, water and other electronic signals for central monitoring and control.
Commissioning Agent
A certified professional responsible for delivering the commissioning process.
Organic material that has been decomposed through a composter and can be used for fertilizer.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Computer modelling of fluid flow (e.g. air) to predict various parameters (velocity, pressure, density, temperature etc.).
Contaminated land
Land cannot be safely developed or built on due to the presence or possible presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant.
Correlated Color Temperature (CCT)
The color appearance of a lamp compared to the equivalent brightness of a reference material heated to that temperature. Due to convention, lower temperature yellow light is assigned as ‘warm’ while higher temperature white or blue light is assigned as ‘cool’.
A digital display that communicates the performance of a building to its occupants (including but not limited to energy and water performance).
District cooling
A cooling system whereby a central cooling plant delivers chilled water to individual buildings in a district through an insulated underground piping network. The central plant houses large, highly efficient and industrial grade equipment to produce chilled water.
Electric vehicle
A vehicle with electric motors powered by rechargeable batteries.
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)
Electrical charging equipment suitable for electric vehicles to connect and charge at either 208 or 240 volts.
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
A standardized method of quantifying the environmental impact of a product during its lifecycle.
Flood hazard area
A legally designated flood hazard area is an area that is subject to a 1% or more chance of flooding in any given year. Flood hazard areas are designated in Flood Insurance Rate Maps.

Mostadam Rating System for communities in Saudi Arabia KSA. Mostadam Rating System for Buildings. Mostadam Green Building Certification. Mostadam Community Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certificate. Mostadam Certification approval. Mostadam Certificate consulting. Mostadam Consultants for Green Building. Mostadam Green Building Standard.

FSC certified
Forest Stewardship Council certified. This is a method of certifying wood that has been sourced through responsible forest management.
An uncomfortable phenomenon that results from too much daylight penetrating through a glazed assembly. This could be directly through the glazing, or from daylight reflecting off a surface.
Greenhouse gas
Gases in the atmosphere that trap and hold heat from the sun due to their ability of absorbing infrared radiation from the sun. An increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to global warming.
Hazardous waste
Waste that may have toxic and harmful effects on human health and the environment if not managed with proper care.
Heat island effect
A phenomenon where urban areas and city temperatures are warmer than their surrounding suburbs.
A measurement of lighting level which represents the total amount of visible light incident upon a surface or imaginary plane, per unit area from all directions above the surface. The measurement unit for Illuminance is “lux”.
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
A semi-conductor which emits lights resulting in a light fixture that is both energy efficient and has a long life span compared to an incandescent fixture.

Mostadam Rating
System for communities in Saudi Arabia KSA. Mostadam Rating System for
Buildings. Mostadam Green Building Certification. Mostadam Community
Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certification. Mustadam Green Building
Certificate. Mostadam Certification approval. Mostadam Certificate consulting. Mostadam
Consultants for Green Building. Mostadam Green Building Standard.

An area where large quantities of waste (usually waste collected from urban areas/municipal waste) is disposed and typically buried.
Life Cycle Assessment
The assessment of a product’s environmental impact through all stages of its life from raw material extraction to its disposal or recycling (cradle to grave).
An Arabian architectural shading element with a lattice type appearance which is applied to windows.
Noise pollution
Noise levels which causes physical or psychological impacts due to high intensity or continuous nature.
Open space
Publicly accessible open areas and suitable for exercise, congregation or transit.
Pervious surface
Permeable or porous surfaces that allow for water absorption.
Previously developed land
Land that has been previously occupied by a permanent structure or hardscape.
Public realm
Areas to which the public have free access such as streets, squares, open spaces and parks.
Regenerative drive
A motor which achieves a lower net power usage due to the storage and reuse of energy.
Renewable energy
Energy collected from resources that do not deplete or can be renewed within the human life scale. Sources such as solar, wind and geothermal heat are considered renewable.

Mostadam Rating System for communities in Saudi Arabia KSA. Mostadam Rating System for Buildings. Mostadam Green Building Certification. Mostadam Community Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certificate. Mostadam Certification approval. Mostadam Certificate consulting. Mostadam Consultants for Green Building. Mostadam Green Building Standard.

Safe walking distance
A route from the building entrance to point of interest measured via a dedicated pedestrian walkway at least 1.8m wide with safe roadway crossings.
Seasonable Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER)
A measure of air conditioning efficiency based on a typical seasonal weather profile.
Smart meter
An electronic device that records consumption of select end uses and communicates the information for monitoring and/or billing. Smart meters typically record on at least an hourly basis.
Solar Reflectance Index (SRI)
A measure of a material’s reflectance of solar heat and emissivity of absorbed energy.
Surface water run-off
Run-off that occurs when rainwater, or other sources, exceed the ground permeability capacity resulting in pooling and surface flow.
Thermal comfort
Occupants’ perception of thermal satisfaction in their environment.
A measure of the rate of transfer of heat through a material (i.e. thermal transmittance).
Light that is directed upwards from a luminaire due to its placement and the shape of the fixture. A higher up-lighting rating causes lighting pollution in outdoor lighting.
Variable frequency drive (VFD)
An electric motor with an adjustable frequency which varies based on a control signal.
Variable speed drive (VSD)
An electric motor with an adjustable speed which varies based on a control signal.
Wastewater treatment
The process of treating wastewater to enable it to be reused.

Mostadam Rating
System for communities in Saudi Arabia KSA. Mostadam Rating System for
Buildings. Mostadam Green Building Certification. Mostadam Community
Certification. Mustadam Green Building Certification. Mustadam Green Building
Certificate. Mostadam Certification approval. Mostadam Certificate consulting. Mostadam
Consultants for Green Building. Mostadam Green Building Standard.

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