The European Office Furniture Federation’s Sustainability Certification Programme
The FEMB “level” certification programme follows the experience gained by BIFMA in North America and proceeds along a similar path to provide a voluntary certification scheme for office furniture manufacturers. FEMB level is a pan-European certification scheme designed to deliver the most open and transparent means of evaluating and communicating the environmental and social impacts of furniture products in the built environment.
FEMB Certification BREEAM LEED in Dubai Sharjah Abu Dhabi Ajman UAE Qatar GCC Saudi Arabia KSA Oman Muscat Certificate Services
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For manufacturers, conformity to the FEMB standard will facilitate trade across geographic borders providing cost savings and reducing time and resources needed to respond to requests from different national markets. For customers, the FEMB standard and level certification will provide a reliable tool to compare the environmental and social impacts of furniture products coming from any country in Europe.
Program Details
- Eligible Products :Products eligible for FEMB level® certification include all office and non-domestic indoor furniture products.
- Certification Criteria : Qualification for level® certification under the FEMB Furniture Sustainability Requirements includes conformance to criteria under four specific categories.
- Materials
- Energy and Atmosphere
- Human and Ecosystem Health
- Social Responsibility
- Points earned under each of these categories determine the level of certification earned:
- level 1. The first tier of certified performance
- level 2. Additional milestones of performance achieved
- level 3. The highest level of performance recognized
Certification to FEMB level® attests that the product, the manufacturing facility, and the company responsible for the product brand, have been evaluated by an accredited third-party certification body against the multi-attribute criteria of the FEMB Sustainability requirements for office and non-domestic furniture for indoor use.
FEMB Certification BREEAM LEED in Dubai Sharjah Abu Dhabi Ajman UAE Qatar GCC Saudi Arabia KSA Oman Muscat Certificate Services
Process & Benefits
- Scope : EnviroLink scopes the project and prepares a proposal.
- Client agrees to scope and signs a work order.
- An EnviroLink account manager is assigned to guide client through the certification process.
- Data Collection Client completes Data Request Form, identifying credits to be pursued and submits to auditor along with supporting documentation.
- Once sufficient data is collected, an onsite audit is scheduled.
- Onsite Audit : The EnviroLink auditor conducts an onsite audit.
- Onsite audits typically take 4-6 hours per facility.
- Corrective Actions : Client responds to any non-conformities or new information requests.
- Reporting : The EnviroLink auditor prepares a draft Assessment Report that details the findings of the audit, including nonconformities, and opportunities for improvement.
- Certification Decision : An EnviroLink reviewer conducts a final review of the draft Assessment Report and makes the certification decision.
- Upon successful certification, client is listed in EnviroLink Green Products Guide, the levelcertified.org website, and is granted the right to use the approved level® logo.
- Certification Maintenance :The certification period is 3 years.
- A surveillance audit of a sampling of credits and an onsite audit is required in the middle of the certification period (18 months/ 1.5 years)
- A full scale renewal occurs every 3 years.
Benefits - FEMB Certification BREEAM LEED
- Provides a comprehensive review of your sustainability program
- Establishes a consistent metric for easy comparability
- Guides organizations on a path towards continuous improvement
- Facilitates trade across borders and standardizes criteria for furniture sustainability