Overall Product Scoring – Cradle to Cradle C2C Basic Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Bronze Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Silver Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Gold Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Platinum Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Standard
A product receives an achievement level in each category — Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum — with the lowest achievement level representing the product’s overall mark. The chart below is an example of a product scorecard:

A continuous improvement standard
The certification process recognizes transition and human intention as part of any successful protocol for continuous product improvement. The program also recognizes that any manufacturer’s knowledge may vary widely regarding the chemicals used in a product, the extent to which the materials in a product can be reused in biological or technical cycles, and the energy and water used to produce a product. The goal of continuous improvement is not “zero” or simply reducing the human and environmental impact of a product, but instead combines the progressive reduction of “bad” with the increase in “good.” See the Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard for more information on the requirements for product optimization.
Every manufacturer receiving the certification mark for their product is required to make a good faith effort toward optimization.
At the Basic level, a product is just starting out on the path to certification. A company must do a Basic inventory of materials, energy use, water use, and social fairness issues affecting their industry and production region.
The Basic level of certification has been designed to get companies ‘in the door,’ establishing a commitment to ongoing assessment and optimization. As such, the Version 3.1 Basic level certification is a ‘provisional’ certification, meaning that a product may only be certified once at this level, and must re-certifiy at a higher level or lose certification. Products certified at the Basic level under Version 3.1 do not display the logo on their product, but may refer to it online and in print marketing materials.
Version 3.1
Contact us for C2C Certification – Click here
For Environmental Product Declaration in GCC (EPD), refer to https-www-envirolink-me-environmental-product-declarations-epd/
For Health Product Declaration in GCC (HPD), refer to https://www.envirolink.me/health-product-declarations-hpd/
For our other solutions we offer in Middle-East, please click https://www.envirolink.me/solutions/
Material Health – Cradle to Cradle C2C Basic Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Bronze Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Silver Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Gold Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Platinum Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Standard
- The product is 100% characterized by its generic materials (e.g., aluminum, polyethylene, steel, etc.) and/or product categories and names (e.g., coatings).
- Identify the appropriate metabolism, either as a technical nutrient or biological nutrient for the product and its components.
- The product does not contain any Banned List chemicals above the relevant thresholds based on supplier declarations.
Material Reutilization
- Each generic material in the product is clearly defined as an intended part of a biological or technical cycle
Renewable Energy and Carbon Management
- Annual purchased electricity and direct on-site emissions associated with the final manufacturing stage of the product are quantified.
Water Stewardship
- The manufacturer has not received a significant violation of their discharge permit within the last two years.
- Local- and business-specific water-related issues are characterized (e.g., the manufacturer will determine if water scarcity is an issue and/or if sensitive ecosystems are at risk due to direct operations).
- A statement of water stewardship intentions describing what action is being taken for mitigating the identified problems and concerns is provided. At re-application, progress on action plans is demonstrated.
Social Fairness
- A basic self-audit is conducted to assess protection of fundamental human rights.
- Management procedures aiming to address any identified issues are provided. Demonstration of progress on the management plan is required for re-application.
In addition to the Basic level requirements, all products certified Bronze under Version 3.1 must meet the following requirements:
Version 3.1
Material Health
- The product is at least 75% assessed (by weight) using ABC-X ratings. Externally Managed Components (EMCs) are considered assessed and contribute to the overall percentage of the product that has been assessed. Products that are entirely Biological Nutrients in nature (e.g., cosmetics, personal care, soaps, detergents, etc.) need to be 100% assessed.
- A phase out or optimization strategy has been developed for those materials with an X rating.
Material Reutilization
- The product has a Material Reutilization Score that is ≥ 35.
Renewable Energy and Carbon Management
- A renewable energy use and carbon management strategy is developed.
Water Stewardship
- A facility-wide water audit is completed.
Social Fairness
- A full social responsibility self-audit is complete and a positive impact strategy is developed (based on UN Global Compact Tool or B-Corp).
Contact us for C2C Certification – Click here
For Environmental Product Declaration in GCC (EPD), refer to https-www-envirolink-me-environmental-product-declarations-epd/
For Health Product Declaration in GCC (HPD), refer to https://www.envirolink.me/health-product-declarations-hpd/
For our other solutions we offer in Middle-East, please click https://www.envirolink.me/solutions/
In addition to the Bronze level requirements, all products certified Silver under Version 3.1 must meet the following requirements:
Version 3.1
Material Health
- The product has been at least 95% assessed (by weight) using ABC-X ratings. Externally Managed Components (EMCs) are considered assessed and contribute to the overall percentage of the product that has been assessed. Products that are entirely Biological Nutrients in nature (e.g., cosmetics, personal care, soaps, detergents, etc.) must be at least 100% assessed.
- The product contains no substances known or suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, genetic damage, or reproductive harm (CMRs) after the A, B, C, X assessment has been carried out.
Material Reutilization
- The product has a Material Reutilization Score that is ≥ 50.
Renewable Energy and Carbon Management
- For the final manufacturing stage of the product, 5% of purchased electricity is renewably sourced or offset with renewable energy projects, and 5% of direct on-site emissions are offset.
Water Stewardship
- Product-related process chemicals in effluent are characterized and assessed. OR
- Supply chain-relevant water issues for at least 20% of Tier 1 suppliers are characterized and a positive impact strategy is developed (required for facilities with no product-relevant effluent).
Social Fairness
- Material specific and/or issue-related audit or certification relevant to a minimum of 25% of the product material by weight is complete (FSC Certified, Fair Trade, etc.).
- Supply chain-relevant social issues are fully investigated and a positive impact strategy is developed.
- The company is actively conducting an innovative social project that positively impacts employee’s lives, the local community, global community, social aspects of the product’s supply chain, or recycling/reuse.
Cradle to Cradle C2C Basic Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Bronze Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Silver Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Gold Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Platinum Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Standard
In addition to the Silver level requirements, all products certified Gold under Version 3.1 must meet the following requirements:
Version 3.1
Material Health
- The product has been 100% assessed (by weight) using A, B, C ratings. All EMCs have been assessed as non-X.
- The product contains no X assessed materials (optimization strategy is not required).
- Product meets C2C emissions standards.
Cradle to Cradle C2C Basic Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Bronze Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Silver Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Gold Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Platinum Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Standard
Material Reutilization
- The product has a Material Reutilization Score that is ≥ 65.
- The manufacturer has completed a “nutrient management” strategy for the product including scope, timeline, and budget.
Renewable Energy and Carbon Management
- For the final manufacturing stage of the product, 50% of purchased electricity is renewably sourced or offset with renewable energy projects, and 50% of direct on-site emissions are offset.
Water Stewardship
- Product-related process chemicals in effluent are optimized (chemicals identified as problematic are kept flowing in systems of nutrient recovery; effluents leaving facility do not contain chemicals assessed as problematic).
- Demonstrated progress on the strategy developed for the Silver level requirements (required for facilities with no product relevant effluent).
Social Fairness
Complete two of the Silver-Level requirements:
- Material specific and/or issue-related audit or certification relevant to a minimum of 25% of the product material by weight is complete (FSC Certified, Fair Trade, etc.).
- Supply chain-relevant social issues are fully investigated and a positive impact strategy is developed.
- The company is actively conducting an innovative social project that positively impacts employee’s lives, the local community, global community, social aspects of the product’s supply chain, or recycling/reuse.
The Platinum level of certification represents the highest standard in Cradle to Cradle Certified™ product design.
In addition to the Gold level requirements, all products certified Platinum under Version 3.1 must meet the following requirements:
Version 3.1
Material Health
- All process chemicals have been assessed and none have been assessed as X.
Material Reutilization
- The product has a Material Reutilization Score of 100.
- The product is actively being recovered and cycled in a technical or biological metabolism.
Renewable Energy and Carbon Management
- For the final manufacturing stage of the product, >100% of purchased electricity is renewably sourced or offset with renewable energy projects, and >100% of direct on-site emissions are offset.
- The embodied energy associated with the product from Cradle to Gate is characterized and quantified, and a strategy to optimize is developed. At re-application, progress on the optimization plan is demonstrated.
- ≥ 5% of the embodied energy associated with the product from Cradle to Gate is covered by offsets or otherwise addressed (e.g., through projects with suppliers, product re-design, savings during the use phase, etc.).
Water Stewardship
- All water leaving the manufacturing facility meets drinking water quality standards.
Social Fairness
- A facility-level audit is completed by a third party against an internationally recognized social responsibility program (e.g., SA8000 standard or B-Corp).
- All Silver-Level requirements are complete.
Cradle to Cradle C2C Basic Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Bronze Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Silver Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Gold Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Platinum Certification, Cradle to Cradle C2C Standard
Contact us for C2C Certification – Click here
For Environmental Product Declaration in GCC (EPD), refer to https-www-envirolink-me-environmental-product-declarations-epd/
For Health Product Declaration in GCC (HPD), refer to https://www.envirolink.me/health-product-declarations-hpd/
For our other solutions we offer in Middle-East, please click https://www.envirolink.me/solutions/