We work on Environmental, Sustainability, Food Safety & Quality Solutions & Certifications since 2007 & on EPD, HPD, LCA, Carbon Footprint Consulting, FSC, Green Product Certifications…
Architects and designers increasingly specify products with transparent LCA-based environmental impact reports. An Environmental Product Declaration EPD LEED Product Certification is a transparent, objective report that communicates what a product is made of and how it impacts the environment across its entire life cycle. A verified EPD can earn your products credits for LEED v4 and other green building rating systems. EPDs satisfy all of the requirements of Product Category Rules (PCR) and follow international standards, including ISO 14044, ISO 14025, and ISO 21930.
EnviroLink has collaborated with Eligible EPD Program Operators under the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). EnviroLink also has a mutual recognition agreement for building and construction products based on EN 15804 and ISO 21930 with the International EPD System – Environmental Product Declarations EPD LEED Product Certification – Environmental Product Declarations EPD Dubai UAE LEED Certification
For Health Product Declarations (HPD), please click HPD
For our other solutions, please click Green & Sustainability Product Certifications
1. Full Service (Preparation and Verification): In partnership with a leading toxicology firm, EnviroLink will prepare and verify your HPDs. EnviroLink will manage the entire process from start to finish for Health Product Declarations HPD LEED Product Certifications.
2. HPD Verification: If you have already prepared an HPD, EnviroLink will verify the HPD and provide you with a verified HPD.
EnviroLink is both a member of the Health Product Declaration Collaborative (HPDC) and has been appointed to serve on the Third Party Verification Technical Subgroup by the HPDC Technical Committee.
For HPD Collaborative – https://www.hpd-collaborative.org/